McCartney is very interesting about his beliefs. He uses words like magic
McCartney talking about the magic of it. With Yesterday he has said,
“Well, I’ve thought about it a lot, because that’s my game, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s magical,” McCartney offered. “There’s just so much that we don’t know about it. I mean, when you get down to the scientific thing about music, it’s vibrations, and you can measure them — you know, E is measured at 400 thingies, or whatever. It’s very measurable. And that fact that it’s vibrations working on people, I think, is part of the answer…. I think what happens then is that with this scientific feature, it hits your emotions.”
At a bit of a loss to finish the scientific breakdown, McCartney offered a more practical example of music’s magic.
“For instance, just to sum it up, Yesterday is one of my most famous songs … and Yesterday came to me in a dream — this whole tune that was in my head, and I had no idea where it came from,” he said. “The best I can think of is that my computer, through the years, loaded all these things and finally printed out this song in kind of a dream thing. I had this song, which was to become very famous in the world, and I just dreamed it. So there’s no way out for me — I have to believe it’s just magical. I have no other rational explanation for it.”
Paul supposedly wrote ‘Fool on the Hill’ thanks to Tarot cards. He kept getting The Fool when the cards were randomly being selected. More here:

The author John Higgs told me that it’s often the subject you’re closest to that you mess the facts up on. This is the case with the Beatles. So here we go…
I say that McCartney discovered (then forgot) the meaning of life while high on LSD, I mistook the parties - he was with Bob Dylan and he was on pot at the time. Apologies to Sir Paul. I thought it was LSD as the meaning of life feels more in line with someone that high, not pot high.
I accidentally mix up the conspiracy theorists I was mentioning when referring to McCartney’s attempt to pen a soundtrack for the JFK Documentary. I say Richard Groden, but I meant Mark Lane. Groden was on my mind because I was at last minute going to include more about the JFK murders. My theory being that the reason it was so prominent in pop culture was thanks to comedians. The first time the famous Zapruda footage was shown on national TV, Groden was joined by Dick Gregory, the brilliant stand-up. Mort Sahl - one of the top satirists of his day - even quit performing for a while to help Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner in the Oliver Stone JFK movie) to do research to prove his case. Bill Hicks is the one who I first saw talking about it who got me into it when I was a teen. His stand-up routine I reckon re-ignited a lot of people's scepticism towards it. Certainly of my generation. And Richard Belzer, a very big stand-up in the 80s and 90s in America, wrote a book that included huge claims, saying that the Lee Harvey Oswald that they buried was shorter than the real Lee Harvey Oswald. And then these days you have people like Joe Rogan giving lots of space to it on his show with guests like Oliver Stone. I don’t know if Rogan believes it, or just like me, finds it all fascinating.
Outside of comedians the most interesting thing to me about the accusations of an inside job comes from JFK’s secretary. Here is a list she wrote (originally spotted thanks to the website Letters of Note:)
Lyndon –
Dixiecrats –
Hoffa –
John Birch Society
CIA in Cuban fiasco
These names were jotted down onboard Air Force One, only a few hours after JFK had been assassinated. The list’s compiler was Evelyn Lincoln - it was a list of the potential murderers.
Lincoln (no relation to Abraham) was in the same motorcade as JFK. Years later, she would scribble on the back of the sheet: “There is no end to the list of suspected conspirators to Pres. Kennedy murder. Many factions had their reasons for wanting the young president dead. That fact alone illustrates how the world suffers from a congenital proclivity to violence.”
Lincoln sold a lot of the archive material, paper and objects that were entrusted to her by Jacqueline Onasis.
This was a dumb mistake. When writing about backmasking, I confused the technique as being applicable to putting instruments backwards too. Hence when I gave examples. I said ‘Tomorrow Never Knows’ and ‘I’m Only Sleeping’. What I should have said was ‘Rain’ and ‘Revolution 9’. I am thoroughly embarrassed by this mistake.
Sometimes, while writing this book, I have been fooled by good sources. It turns out that the bill in California to make backmasking illegal without a sticker, was proposed but not passed. In most cases I have good sources for the mistakes I’ve made. Here are my sources for my incorrect facts.
Apologies to the Dickheads out there (this is the nickname fans of Dick have given themselves). I say he wrote hundreds of short stories. I meant all his other writings, including non-fiction and screen plays. He actually only wrote 121 short stories. Also, I say that when he had the Beatles infused message this was the first time that he was transmitted this alien knowledge. The Beatles encounter happened at another later time.

Ringo inducted into the Hall of fame
Paul McCartney’s speech
Ringo Illness and Intro to Drums -
Annie Bower is the grandmother
Jesus comes to the studio on the 9th Feb 1967
McCartney talking about the magic of it.
Even McCartney tends to act in interviews as if “Yesterday” was some kind of miracle. “It was fairly mystical when I think about it,” he said. “It was the only song I ever dreamed.”
“Well, I’ve thought about it a lot, because that’s my game, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s magical,” McCartney offered. “There’s just so much that we don’t know about it. I mean, when you get down to the scientific thing about music, it’s vibrations, and you can measure them — you know, E is measured at 400 thingies, or whatever. It’s very measurable. And the fact that it’s vibrations working on people, I think, is part of the answer…. I think what happens then is that with this scientific feature, it hits your emotions.”
At a bit of a loss to finish the scientific breakdown, McCartney offered a more practical example of music’s magic.
“For instance, just to sum it up, Yesterday is one of my most famous songs … and Yesterday came to me in a dream — this whole tune that was in my head, and I had no idea where it came from,” he said. “The best I can think of is that my computer, through the years, loaded all these things and finally printed out this song in kind of a dream thing. I had this song, which was to become very famous in the world, and I just dreamed it. So there’s no way out for me — I have to believe it’s just magical. I have no other rational explanation for it.”
Beatles accused of satanism for the use of backwards masking in court
Mother’s letter
12 notes per second; aged 15 solo tour
Violin age 7
Devil on stage, in the strings
Led Zeppelin
Backmasking part 1
Backmasking part 2
California bill (should read 1982)
Crowley - Magick - Magick in theory and practice : Crowley, Aleister, 1875-1947. n 80057223 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Arkansas passes Bill
Frank Zappa instrumental did have a sticker
California bill passes, and Arkansas as well, from Subliminal Messages: Between the Devil and the Media, December 1985, American Psychologist 40(11):1231-9
Bill Clinton vetoes the California one
Tipper & Karenna Gore -
Lennon Appears As A Peacock -
Groden -
Beatles - Free As A Bird -